Sunday, 4 July 2010

Stonewall. A campaign to encourage people to use their vote!

Stonewall campaign designed to involve British citizens to use their vote and change Britain. The concept is based on the notion of 1 individual can make a difference and by replacing numbers with letters strengthens this idea. I thought simple, historic text portrays a trustworthy and well-established political party. Blue and Red reinforces a British campaign!

'100'. Myths based on Robin Hood and the significance of 100.

Paying homage to Robin Hood and the ‘100th’ arrow slaughtering Prince John’s hart.

Paying homage to Robin Hood and the 100 trees in Sherwood Forest.

In response to an 'ISTD' competition brief; I researched Robin Hood and the significance of '100'. Being born in Nottingham, I have grown up with the legendary outlaw and the tales told about him. Although I've found this project to be the most difficult, at the same time the final outcomes have been rewarding! One area I particularly enjoyed was researching Robin Hood in the Special Collections in MMU's library. The whole process of searching historical books and studying incredible drawing from various illustrations really brings Robin Hood the legend to flesh. Both outcomes pay tribute to aspects associated with Robin Hood and his heroic tales. Through imagery I layered illustrations to depict the vast information and myths based on Robin Hood but aswell show a consistent theme.

'FLOCKAGE'. Nostalgic Wallpaper.

This wallpaper design is a concept based on two elements of merging childhood memories and time spent with families. Dinner plates often change over periods of time during the same time as families do. Despite change, families remain as they are and keep to a mundane routine when everyone comes together for one part of the day. Meals often evoke memories of our childhood that are triggered by either smell or imagery. Finally, as time goes by the memories begin to deteriorate, as space is needed to create new ones. This idea re-enforces a notion of the memory existing but losing its stability as you focus in.

Don't Judge a Book by its Cover. Series of New 'Futureshock' Book Designs.

The brief was to design a new series of 'Futureshock' books aimed to encourage young adults to read. My approach to this project was to use photography as a medium and design covers to leave the reader with thought-provoking responses and questions that could only be answered within the book. I am very proud with my end result for all of my book covers and most of all how effective they look as a collection.

The Train Standing at Platform Two. Collaboration brief to produce a metaphorical Journey.

Collaboration was a brief set to us to work in groups and present our final outcome to a panel, in a style of “Dragons’ Den”. This project was a typographic brief based on taking metaphorical journeys on the theme of connections. Each of us had a book to work on that would reflect an age group’s attitudes and imagination.

'KMISTRY'. Corporate Identity.

Corporate Identity is a brief set to us to design an identity for a client. I created an identity in a chemistry manner and researched polygon formulas. As a designer, it’s not often you get to research polygon formulas in chemistry books; it’s that concept of having fun and making the most of eccentric concepts.


'Disruption’ project was the most open minded yet challenging brief; outcome was to visually respond to a piece of music and produce something distinctive. The strongest aspect of my experimentation pieces was my photography of Mr. K. Based upon the notion of Mr. K takes form as a Kellogg’s cornflake at ten to six. an unorthodox approach but worth a risk but it was a vital step I had to endure to realise that any form of connection can be made from words to create visual responsive that reflects you as a diverse individual.

Friday, 2 July 2010